
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This is dedicated to the person who called people like us bastard and uneducated.

© copyright 010505 Fieque/straight2dapoint- all rights reserved

Waiting for 30 years for a single appreciation,
Live on stage all over Malaysia wearing black suit,
The idea of having original sticker on every original cd’s,
Try to get rid of all the pirates,
Without further thinking and investigation,
With a high tone of voice calling people bastard,
For sure after this people and artist are not afraid to say F words on television,
Never know that laws are not with him,
The authority are not supporting him,
The law and the authority are with us,
With the uneducated people,
Don’t ever blame other people for mistakes,
Don’t ever talk crap when you were on air,
Don’t ever point to only one side,

This is what I have to say bout this matter,
People now are more educated than before,
Consumers are more careful in their expenditure,
What to expect,
Pirates cd’s are the same qualities as the original,
Cheaper and extremely cheap than the ori’s,
What it can be?
Rm 5 or Rm 20,
For sure you know the answer,
Music cd’s can be converted to mp3,
Only Rm10 for 323 music in one 700mb cd’s,
Here, I just wana say that…
Please don’t just talk out loud but no action were taken,
No more ghost in our enforcement,
Ghost that wears uniforms,
Getting money by informing on the rush,

So what ever and what so ever,
Don’t be afraid to condemn people with big empire,
Because many people whose life is to be knock over,
Don’t gave a single chance to those crossover,
Be what ever,
Piracy will live much longer,
As long as people breath and discover,
Because we are no longer to be foolish over,
We are the people who knows what so ever . d~j`b

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